Partners of the HEART Project
- Osnovna Sola Litija in Slovenia : Litija Elementary School is a sports and cultural center that enables top achievements, excellent knowledge, rich culture, friendly atmosphere as well as personal development of pupils, employees and parents. It consist of a central school in Litija, two subsidiary schools in Sava and Polsnik and a kindergarten in Polsnik.
- Escola Basica e Secundaria Gonçalves Zarco in Portugal : Escola Basica e Secundaria Gonçalves Zarco is a post-elementary and secondary school. It has about 1520 students in the daytime, whose age ranges from 10 to young adults and about 130 adult students who attend night classes.
- Scoala Gimnaziala Speciala nr.4 in Romania : Scoala Gimnaziala Speciala nr.4 is a school whose mission is learning- therapy-recovery, personal development of children with mental, severe and/or profound mental disorder, behavioural disorders and autism for social, school and proffesional integration, as well as their equal chances; opening up to the community by promoting a positive image about the child with disabilities of intellect and behaviour..
- Szkola Podstawowa Nr 1 im A. Mickiewicza w Bedzinie in Poland : Primary school nr 1 in Bedzin has students aged 6-16. Its curriculum offerings coer two levels: class 1-3 and 4-8, English is A1 (class 1) to B1 (class 8).
- Instıtuto Comprensivo Pascoli/CTP in Italy : The Italian school G.Pascoli is a newly founded Institute (in 2012) including nursery, primary and secondary schools and an Adult Education Provider with about 1200 students and 90 teachers. The school has a special focus on new methodologies and technologies and has an orchestra.
- Ali Kütük Ortaokulu Gemlik in Turkey : Ali Kütük Ortaokulu is a general secondary school with about 750 students from 5th to 8th grade with the ages from 11 to 14 and 54 teachers. The school exists to serve the unique academic, physical, social and emotional needs of the students who are in a special and critical period of their lives as they change from childhood to adolescence..